Aug 2012 24

by Nahp Suicide

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Bitten in Calm and Sweet]

This week, Bitten Suicide tells us why she loves spouting off with the folks in SG’s Geezer Group.

Members: 3,636 / Comments: 137,333

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I love SG’s Geezer Group because it’s a crowd I can relate to. We like to reminisce about the days of cassette tapes and VCRs, when there were only five channels on TV and when MTV actually played music videos, and not just reality shows. I like to be proud of my age and everyone in this group surely is.

DISCUSSION TIP: It’s a relaxing close-knit group. No need to fear the reaper. Grab a rocking chair and spout off about those damn kids and how things ran in your day.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: The most heated discussion would have to be the “Politics, heated discussions and your mom sucks” discussion thread. This group is very much into politics and government issues. Another popular thread is “what colour are your undies today” – but that one usually stays pretty calm and fights rarely break out.


WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: It’s a private group. Anyone over 30 is invited to join – you must ‘fess up to you age on your profile though, otherwise you application will be deleted! The group ranges from silly to serious.


Aug 2012 24

by A.J. Focht

The Avengers will be coming out on DVD in just over a month on September 25. But with the first movie not even out on DVD yet, Disney has already confirmed the release date for Avengers 2. Marvel has several movies in line before Avengers 2 releases on May 1, 2015, including sequels to Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man 2.

It’s not just a load of sequels that Marvel is producing. Marvel’s next original project The Guardians of the Galaxy movie is set to release in August 2014. Details of the plot have been revealed: We’re told it’s “about a U.S. pilot who ends up in space in the middle of a universal conflict and goes on the run with futuristic ex-cons who have something everyone wants.”

Before Guardians of the Galaxy will make it to theaters, Thor: The Dark World will be premiering November 8, 2013. With the movie just over a year away, casting reports from the Thor sequel keep rolling out. The latest cast member to be announced is Lost actor, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. He will be appearing as the villainous Dark Elf, Algrim.

Two more members have joined the cast of Arrow. Jessica De Gouw will appear as The Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, in multiple episodes of the series. Torchwood actor, John Barrowman, is also joining the cast. There is some speculation as to whom Barrowman will be playing and whether he will be a hero or villain. The current rumormill is leaning towards him playing Stanley Dover Sr., from Kevin Smith’s Green Arrow run. There is also rumors that Green Arrow’s sidekick, Speedy, will be in the show and may have already been cast as Oliver Queen’s sister Thea Queen.

The new Walking Dead series premiers on October 14th. The first batch of official Season 3 photos have hit the internet. Most of the TV favorites plus some new characters like the Governor, all featured in portraits in Entertainment Weekly.

The price of seeing movies in theaters has risen to a ridiculous level lately. With the extra fees for seeing anything in 3D or IMAX, the average trip to the movies can easily run over $20 per person. That makes the news that The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey will not have a price increase for the 48fps showings
so much sweeter. Everyone can save an extra few dollars this holiday season as the Hobbit will release on December 14.

The longstanding iconic relationship between Superman and Lois Lane has come to an end. Starting in Justice League #12, DC is making way for the ultimate super powered couple: Superman and Wonder Woman. This super couple is not just a one-shot publicity stunt either. The New 52 team has apparently been working toward this transition for a while and it looks to be a lasting relationship.

Aug 2012 24

Dwam Suicide in Midsummer Crown

  • INTO: Art, food, and art.
  • NOT INTO: Being serious.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Books, late night funny conversations, pictures, mountains, music, movies, lonely train rides, foreign languages, poetry, smoothies, puns and innuendos, hikes in the forest, freckles, books, pancakes, drinking tea with friends, cakes, sleeping over, massages, cooking for pretty girls, pretty girls cooking for me, sticking wild street art at night, books, comics, film soundtracks, 3-people baths, sending gift parcels, chocolate, did I already say books?
  • MAKES ME SAD: Exhaustion.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: A book, a computer, a sketchbook, a brush, an inhaler.
  • VICES: I bite my nails to bleed and constantly oogle on pretty girls.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: On the internet, jumping from one idea to a Wikipedia reference to a biography to book lists to another idea to another Wiki search to a new artist portfolio and so on..

Get to know Dwam better over at!

Aug 2012 23

by Laurelin

I am almost thirty. Thirty. Three- mother-fucking-zero. This age to me seems….crazy. Crazy like, “this could never happen to me” crazy. Think back. No matter what age you are, think back. When I was younger, I looked at thirty and I thought: married with children, steady job, steady paycheck, pets, house – I thought anything but what I have now. I thought that everything, EVERYTHING would be different.

The worst thing is that I watched it happen. I watched my best friends grow up. I saw every girl who was made fun of, every girl who was left behind, every girl who was too chubby, too silly, too crazy… I watched them all grow up, and eventually, I was left behind. I was always in their weddings and always, I was the one who never grew up. The girl voted “most likely to marry a frat boy” all four years of college was in the end, the one who no one wanted to marry.

And now, thirty. My friends have all been married for years, some with children, and all the while I feel so free and yet so alone…

I ran into an older man at a bar I frequent about a month ago.

“What do you do, “ he asked me, and I wondered if he really cared or if he was just hitting on me.

“Um…” I said, “Well, I went to school for archaeology, but I guess I’m a bartender… or a writer.”

“Well which is it?” he said.

“Honestly?” I replied, “Well, I like bartending. I love writing, and I love archaeology. I make money doing only one.”

“I loved playing the guitar,” he said, looking over at the cover band playing in the corner. “I never stuck with it, and I always wished I had. It just… got away from me, and now I feel it’s too late.” He looked so sad then, and I suddenly didn’t feel so old.

“You’re never too old to learn something,” I said. “Take Beck Weathers for example; the man learned to climb mountains when he was thirty years old- he wanted to make something of himself, and at thirty he changed the path of his whole life and he eventually climbed Everest—fucking Everest, the highest mountain in the world. And he started climbing at thirty,” I said, talking to the man but thinking about myself. The man looked at me with such wonder, and every time I see him now I am reminded of that, although every time I see him he is no closer to the guitar, and I am no closer to climbing anything besides into bed at night.

Looking at that, I am aware that things can seem so lost and yet, I am aware that I can still accomplish so much and that now, even at thirty, I shouldn’t be afraid to simply try.

I am almost thirty. I have always hated my body. Now, I am on week five of belonging to Rugged Crossfit, and I can honestly say that I am conscious of what goes into my body and what effort I put into making it look the way it does. I have always complained about the way I look, and I am suddenly acutely aware that if I want a change in my body I can only make it look the way I want through hard work. I am almost thirty, and I am sick of being unhappy with the way I look.

My heart for the past year has been selfishly locked away, kept only for someone who didn’t deserve it, and held only for someone who never knew me. I held onto something for a little while; something that for some reason festered in me like a disease, something that grew in me like mold until I could do nothing but crumble.

Now I look at that girl and I can’t help but laugh. She is so close but yet so far… if I reach my hand out, I can touch her; that scared girl still comparing herself to all those she left behind. If I reach my other hand out I see another girl; one who knows what she wants. One who is in control of her mind and her body. When I reach my other hand out I see a girl who is finally, finally… almost thirty.


Aug 2012 23

by A.J. Focht

This weekend, August 25th and 26th, the Aurora Rise benefit is taking place at All C`s Collectibles to help raise money for the victims of the senseless shootings that occurred in the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colorado just over a month ago.

There has been an outpour of generosity from across the comic world to help support the Aurora community in its time of need. Some major names in comics are coming out for a signing, including Mike Mignola, Matt Fraction, and Steve Niles. All of the major comic companies have made donations to a silent auction to be held on Saturday night (6.30 PM at the Embassy Suites), which will feature a vast amount of original artwork as well as statues, toys, comics, books, and more.

Various artists and creators that can’t make the signing are taking it upon themselves to try and raise more money for the event. Bob Luedke got numerous big names to sketch on and sign a Batman-Tribute print (pictured above), which was posted on eBay with all proceeds going to the Aurora Victim Relief Fund.

SuicideGirls will also be there to express their condolences, solidarity, and support. Several local Colorado SGs will be taking photos and signing items to help raise funds. Dexter, Ladonna, Shyla and Lacey will be in store on Saturday, and Vice and Syko will be there on Sunday.

“I am happy to be helping out the community that I live in,” says Ladonna. “I live five minutes from the theatre and have been there several times. It is such a tragic thing that has happened. This event will hopefully uplift hearts and honor those whose lives were taken.”

Please join us this Saturday and Sunday. 100% of the money raised by Aurora Rise will go to aid the victims.

Where: All C`s Collectibles, 1250 S. Abilene Street, Aurora, CO 80012
When: August 25 (10 AM til 4 PM) & August 26 (11AM til 4 PM)
Info: 303-751-6882 /

Related Posts:
Aurora Rise Benefit Event
Back Row Perspective Part 1: An Aurora Theater Survivor’s Message To The Media
Back Row Perspective Part 2: An Aurora Theater Survivor’s Message To The Politicians
Back Row Perspective Part 3: An Aurora Theater Survivor’s Message To The Online Community

Aug 2012 23

by Blogbot

[“In All My Dreams I Drown” – Jessica Lowndes and Terrance Zdunich]

The Devil’s Carnival visited Santa Monica last Friday for the penultimate night of its encore tour. Inspired by The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the 60-minute rock musical is intended to be the first installment of what director Darren Lynn Bousman hopes will be an ongoing episodic cinematic experience. We arrived in the vicinity of Laemmle’s 4-Plex in Santa Monica at 8 PM in order to grab a bite to eat. Though it was a full two hours before the devilry was due to begin, a line of what was unmistakably Devil’s Carnival patrons had already formed down the block.

Once inside the cinema we were treated to performances from a couple of Vaudeville-style acts, though there was nothing Victorian about how a uniquely talented female performer deep throated a balloon of epic Ron Jeremy-proportions. Next, a collage of behind-the-scenes clips from Bousman’s previous musical endeavor, Repo! The Genetic Opera, afforded the audience an opportunity for a vocal warm up before the main event. It was impressive to see just how large of a proportion of those in the sold-out theater were word perfect as they sang along to favorites from the 4-year old soundtrack such a “Zydrate Anatomy.” A montage of singing videos sent in by fans and an on stage costume competition which paid tribute to the considerable sartorial efforts of the assembled helped further warm up the crowd for a night which was to be spent dancing with the Devil, as played by Terrance Zdunich, Bousman’s Repo! and Devil’s Carnival collaborator.

Bousman and Zdunich then took to the stage to introduce their film. Bousman explained to his fans that he’d wanted to create an experience that couldn’t be downloaded – though telling that to those inside the theater was tantamount to preaching to the choir, since they’d obviously left their computers behind to be there. Following the visually stunning and musically arresting film, the pair took to the stage again for a Q&A alongside other cast members including Dayton Callie (a.k.a. Chief Wayne Unser from Sons of Anarchy) and Repo! alumni Bill Moseley. The faithful would have asked questions all night had Bousman not brought things to a close so a merchandise signing session could begin. As fans lined up clutching posters and CDs, we headed out into the night with “In All My Dreams I Drown” spinning in our head. It’s testament to the strength of the score that almost a week later it’s still stuck there.

[Above: Snow Mercy and Moxi Suicide]

[Above: Mistress of Ceremonies]

[Above: Linda Lovelace Has Nothing On This Talented Balloon Lady!]

[Above: Darren Lynn Bousman]

[Above: Terrance Zdunich]

Photography: Nicole Powers
For more images from the night visit our Devil’s Carnival photo gallery.

Related Posts
Darren Lynn Bousman: The Devil’s Carnival
Darren Lynn Bousman: Repossessed

Aug 2012 23

Viking Suicide in Pretty Vacant

  • INTO: Comics, memes, books about hookers who made it, writing a hit play, saving Latin, films adapted from books, Thai food, vegan food, rose incense, bubblegum hookah, green nail varnish, stuff that make your tongue blue, drag queens, transsexuals, theme parks, boys in dresses, calculator watches, zombies, hospitals, airports, grey skies, rough seas, colored hair, tattoos, gaming, making clothes, the internet, immersive video games, Nintendocore, fire-spinning, drawing, painting, roller skating, German expressionist film, pole dancing.
  • VICES: The interwebs.

Get to know Viking better over at!